Sunday 20 April 2014

Questions and Answers

Hey Guys!
So, today I was in the mood to do a fun and silly blog post. I've seen this post done on other peoples blogs and it looks like a lot of fun. Basically, here are some questions that I've seen other people answer in their blogs and I am going to answer them for you. I love reading these kind of posts and it gives you a chance to learn a bit more about me. So, if your nosy like me, I hope you find this post enjoyable!

Just to prepare you, this blog post will probably be very long. Apologies in advance. I just didn't wanna leave any questions out and I wanted them all in one post. Now that that's out of the way, lets move on to the questions.

Moi ...

Do you have any siblings?
 Yes, I have two brothers, one is 18 and the other is 8.

If so, are ye close?
My older brother and I didn't get on as kids but are really close now. We have the same kind of humour and just get on really well. I'm sure he'll make an appearance on here soon!(P.S. He claims he looks like Casey Braxton ladies...) My little brother and I are really close too, simply because we are both completely mad!

What's your top/dress size?

 I am UK size 8/10

Do you have any diet plans/tips?

Not really. I am probably the most unhealthy person in the world! I feel I'm being slightly hypocritical talking about diet tips when I am currently eating a cookie.. Try eat a bit of everything and try to exercise regularly. Also, don't get hung up on how much you weigh as long as you are healthy and happy.

Do you workout?

 Pfft no! I really should but I'm lazy.. I am going to try a bit harder though to exercise when I can.

Who inspires you?

So many people! I can't think of just one. I love Marilyn Monroe though. Regular people that I meet everyday inspire me too.

What do you value most in life?

Wow. Deep. People who love and care about me, I suppose.

What do you do?
 I am in school, about to do Transition year. I am going to be doing my Junior Certificate in a few months. I currently don't have a job and never have but I really want one for the summer.

What is your dream job?
 Anything that involves make up or beauty.

Do you make good grades?

Ya..... I like to think I'm naturally quite bright but I do struggle sometimes.

What is your ethnicity?

100% Irish.

Do you want to get married later on in life?

Ya but I'd have to know the person really well. I don't think I'm the kind of girl that will get married young.

Do you have any phobias?

Dolls. I'm not talking Barbie dolls because I played with them as a kid. I'm talking about those creepy china dolls with porcelain skin and ringlet hair. They so CREEPY! They just really freak me out. Don't even know why. Does that count as a phobia? I googled. Apparently, I have Pediophobia. I wouldn't say it's a full blown phobia but it's awfully close to one.

Have you ever had a near death experience?

I don't think so. I've never had a serious disease or any broken bones. I once fell out of a tree...that was pretty scary..

Do you get mad easily? 

Yes! I have such a short fuse! I can't help it. I've never been in a fight or anything but people easily annoy me...sorry.

Where have you been on holiday & where was the best?

Wales, Majorca, Spain ... I went to these places when I was a kid so I don't really remember that much. I also went to Germany on a German exchange in October which was great. The best holiday was probably the one to Majorca.

Favourite childhood memory? 
I've loads. My family often has movie nights where we just pick a film and get loads of sweets and all watch together. They were great. Also the holiday to Majorca.

Do you drink juice?
I love juice!!

How old are you? 

I am 15 and my birthday was the 17th of April 

What's your height?
I am 5' 1" (and I'm pretty sure I've stopped growing..)

Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have one dog called Marley who I love to bits! He is part bearded collie/English sheep dog/Irish wolfhound. I love that he is unique. He is so fluffy!

What do you do in your spare time? Sleep. Boring, I know. I like spending time with friends and family and I am addicted to You Tube.

What do you feel you have achieved recently?
Well, recently, I had to have an interview with a teacher in my school to see if I could do Transition Year. Transition Year is a year you do where you learn new things and do work experience and a school musical and stuff like that. It's pretty much a break of a year before you start your Leaving Certificate Cycle. It's an option year and you have to be interviewed to see why you want to do it. This may be seen as a small thing but I'm really happy with how it went and I was petrified. It took a lot of guts and I think I handled the situation well. Yay!

What is your favourite subject?
English and Home Economics

What are your annoying habits?
I didn't really know what to say so I asked my older brother.. He said
 1. I always rob his earphones
2. I have a very harsh laugh
3. I eat all the nice food in the house 
4. I'm very forgetful
5. I am flakey


Heels or flats?

 I wear flats daily but I love wearing heels

Favourite moisturiser?

The Nivea Day Cream for oily skin

Where do you buy most of your clothes from? 
Penneys probably (Primark) it's just so cheap!

What are you wearing today?
Disco pants, a baggy t shirt and fluffy socks!

What's your style?
 I don't really have a style.. I kind of wear whatever as long as it's comfortable and nice looking.

Most worn make up look?
 winged eyeliner and red lipstick

Most worn item of clothing?
 Probably my disco pants

Favourite Shop?

Um...for clothes Penneys or Topshop but for make up Boots

Favourite makeup brand?

I don't buy much expensive make up but probably Mac

Favourite drugstore makeup brand?

Rimmel London

Favourite nail polish brand?

Barry M do amazing nail polish

What was your first makeup item?

This shimmery gold eye shadow that I got as a present when I was 10 from Natural Collection. I LOVED it.

If you had your own makeup line what would you call it?

Um.. Kayles :)

What are you into the most, if you HAD to choose one..Jewellery, Makeup, Shoes, Clothes?

Definitely Make up

At what age did you start wearing makeup?

Around 12 I think but only lipgloss or make up I got free in magazines!

Do you wear falsies? If so which brand?

No, I don't actually. I don't really know why but they just look really fiddly. I'm gonna learn though!

Lipgloss or mascara?


Whats your worst shopping habit?

I spend all my money in one shop and then I can't buy anything anywhere else. I panic and I have to buy everything!

Do you have a signature scent?

I love Rihanna's perfume called Reb'l Fleur

How do you take care of your hair?

I wash it every 2/3 days. I try not to use too much heat on my hair and I ALWAYS use heat protect spray. I also use hair repair masks every week or so.

What's the colour of your natural hair?

It's a mousy brown colour that used to go blonde in summer. It hasn't been this colour since I was 12. I might do a blog post showing my hair history so tell me if you want to see that in the comments.

What are your views on plastic surgery?

Well I don't think I would ever do it myself but if you want to and it'll make you happy, go for it. I do think natural beauty is way more important but if it'll boost your confidence then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Although some people take it way too far...

If makeup somehow wasn't invented, what would you replace it with?

Oh god! I can't even think about that! I'm not trying to sound superficial but I just love being creative with make up. I don't wear make up everyday so I probably could survive but I'd probably be way more in to fashion.

Do you bite your nails?

No. My nails are quite long and I'm quite weird about making sure they look nice. I hate the sensation of biting them and it drives me mad when other people bite their nails.


Would you rather grow a beard or go bald?
Beard. Most definitely. I think I can make it work..

If you could know the date you were going to die, would you want to know? 
 I don't think so. I'd prefer to be surprised and if I knew the date I wouldn't want to rush to get everything done and miss the small things in life that give my life meaning.

What's the last song you sang along to?
I sang the theme tune to "The Sleepover Club" with my brother a few minutes ago...

Which five male celebs would be on your "list"?

oh god...Freddie Flintoff, Brad Pitt, Jason Statham, Ashton Kutcher and Bradley Cooper

If you only had 24 hours to live, how would you spend it? 
 Around my friends and family and I'd make sure they knew how much I loved them.

What's the last thing you bought?
Curly fries from McDonalds..

Do you have a favourite book?

I do love reading but I can't think of one book that is my all time favourite.

Do you watch any american tv, if so what is your favourite?

Friends. I love friends. It's just the best show ever. I've seen every episode like twenty times. I'm not even ashamed.

What were your favourite shows growing up?
I had so many! Kids shows today are diabolical! When I was really young I loved High 5 and Art Attack but during my childhood ,I loved Drake and Josh, Zoey 101, Kenan and Kel. Anything by Dan Schneider. I also loved Hannah Montana, Lizzie McGuire, That's so Raven, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody..... I could go on...

Would you ever make You tube videos?

 I might one day but I'm really shy and I hate the sound of my own voice. I'd love to though so hopefully one day when I get a better camera and a bit more courage.

What is your favourite type of sandwich?

I don't really like sandwiches... if I'm honest.. but probably roast chicken in a roll

Do you have a twitter/Instagram/Pinterest account?

I have an Instagram account and a Twitter account called KaylC1704  and @kaylc1704. I don't have a Pinterest account though.

What is your favourite reality tv show?

I've really enjoyed Celebrity Juice recently. I am also a sucker for "I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here". Love a bit of Ant and Dec.

What website do you visit the most ?

You Tube

Who is your favourite blogger?

I love so many but probably Zoella. Her blog is amazing.

Who is your favourite makeup guru?

On You Tube, I love to watch Tanya Burr. Her tutorials are just incredible.

How do you make your blog interesting?

I don't really think it is interesting. This is awkward...

Do you like photography?

I do. I wish I could use a camera properly but next year I'm going to study photography in school and I'm so excited!!

What is your fave style to decorate your bedroom, chic, modern, vintage..etc?

I'd say vintage but my room is a bit all over the place.

Do you like stationary?

Haha, yes I like stationary!

What is your favourite disney film? 
 I love Finding Nemo and Monsters Inc. Best films ever!

Who is your favourite Disney princess?

Who is your favourite Disney prince?
Flynn Rider from Tangled. He is by far the best looking prince.  

What's your favourite desert?

Ice cream. Or anything smothered in chocolate

Do you like swimming? 

I can't swim. I sink like a rock. I don't mind swimming as long as I  have my feet on the ground or else I freak out. But since I'm short I'm usually stuck in the shallow end with a bunch of mothers with their toddlers...

What's your favourite movie?
Oh wow, that is hard... I like movies that are a bit different and kinda make you think. Although I'm a sucker for a good romcom or comedy. I love the movie Snatch and I saw the movie Dallas Buyers Club a few weeks ago and it is amazing!!

Do you eat fries with a fork?

No. I go straight in their with my hands. Life is too short.

Do you like cookies?

I love cookies!!

If you could move anywhere, where would it be?


Savoury or sweet?

What are you looking forward to in the future?
  I'm  going to Macklemore and Ryan Lewis in the summer which is so exciting, I can't wait. I also can't wait to do Transition Year and learn loads of new things.

What are you currently drinking?

Favourite flower?

White Lilys and roses

Favourite colour?

I have like, mint green, sky blue, maroon and cream

Do you drink energy drinks?

No. Well does coke count?

Do you drink coffee?

No! I wish I did cause I have a weird obsession with Starbucks. But it tastes so vile!

If you could have a dinner party with 5 celebrities, dead or alive, who would you invite?
 Am..... James Corden, Marilyn Monroe, Pink,Lincoln Younes (google him) and Robert Knepper (again google him)

So, I hope you guys enjoyed that. That took me absolutely ages but it was fun!I hope you guys liked it. I would also encourage other bloggers to attempt this post aswell. Bye!

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