Saturday 4 January 2014

New Year's Eve

I've wanted to go shopping with my friends ever since I got my Christmas holidays nearly two weeks. Before that even. It had been ages and I hadn't gotten within 50 feet of a Penney's (Primark) shop in a scarcely long time. Seeing as I had less than no money before Christmas, we decided to put it off till we had some real dough to spend. All our schedules where busy with the usual  post Christmas activity's, so we decided  the only day we were all free was New Years Eve. Let me just tell you right now, it was the most stressful shopping experience of my life. Enjoyable, sure, but stressful, none the less. SO many things went wrong.

Seeing as we are teenagers and "practically adults", we decided it would be a great idea to take the bus, as (we thought) we were independent enough to handle this responsibility. Plus none of our parents wanted to drive us. So it was decided, on Monday night that, two of  my best friends would get dropped at my house at half nine and we'd walk down to the bus stop and take the ten o' clock bus to Limerick City. This obviously didn't happen. There was no chance three teenage girls were ever gonna make a bus that early. If your a teen, that may possibly plan a shopping trip with chums in the future, please set a reasonable time to go. Otherwise you'll feel like your way behind schedule if you miss that set time. 

So I woke at nine, took the quickest shower of my life, and tried to get ready as quick as possible. My hair was still soaking wet by the time one of my friends was at  the door. It was quarter to ten at this point and since my other friend hadn't arrived, we were positive we would miss the bus. My friend then came through the door, ten to ten, all smiles, asking were we ready yet. We then calmly explained there was no way in hell we would ever make this bus. She then went on to add the next bus wasn't for two hours. That changed things. We were going to make that bus.

Picture the scene, three nearly fifteen year old's, running through the streets, at two minutes to ten. We probably looked ridiculous! I should probably mention, I am the slowest walker (let alone runner!) to have ever lived. So while the other two were were a giant explosion of hopefulness and positivity, running as fast as they could, I was the negative one, speed walking halfway down the street. I still wanted to make the bus, obviously, but I was out of breath before I'd even reached the front gate! We finally arrived, 5 minutes late and slightly sweaty, to find the bus hadn't even arrived yet. Of course it hadn't. This was Ireland, nothing is every on time here ...

I've just realised, I've written four paragraphs on my shopping experience and I haven't even mentioned GETTING there yet. I'm still talking about how I reached the BUS. Apologies. We then managed to actually get ON the bus, after nearly getting on a bus that was headed for  Dublin airport (dodged a bullet!) After dealing with a rude, Twenty-Something year old bus driver (who obviously had hoped to be doing something else with his life instead of driving a public bus for a living), we were finally on our way!Yay!(Quick tip for the future, never, under any circumstances, try and apply make up on a bus. EVER. You will look like a clown. Just have patience and wait till you get to your stop.You'll thank me later.)

This bus journey was particularly exciting for me, simply because I love public transport. Weird I know but I do, none the less. It's just so much FUN! Anything from buses, trains, planes etc. I rarely went on them as a kid so theirs something I love about them. Thought I'd share that with you. Maybe you feel the same way. No? Understandable.

Just as the bus reached the station, it began to rain. And no it wasn't "slightly drizzling either". It was full on monsoon, "looks like you swam here!" rain. We decided to just go for it, as the nearest Penney's was a ten minute walk. We ran,while the entire time, my friend was complaining that some how, her hair was wetter than ours. We took shelter in Dunnes Stores for a while cause my friend thought we should all buy an umbrella together. We convinced her there was no need as we were already wet.

When we finally reached Penney's, it was great. Their were sales and we got some great bargains. My friend was being good and decided not to get much, so she became my personal shopper for the day. It was great, as she got me to try on stuff I would usually not take a second look at, that I ended up loving. I'm the kinda girl that is nearly always wearing black and lives in her disco pants (they go with Everything!). However, I actually ended up buying a shirt with a collar! My friends nearly passed out when I showed it to them (not that it looked bad, just because shirts SO aren't me!) Plus I got a skirt. Ya, a skirt! Again, not me, but it's so pretty and not too girly which makes it perfect. Just realised, I'm making myself sound like a tom-boy goth or something but I can assure you I'm not. I'm very girly when it comes to make up and beauty but I wouldn't be caught dead wearing pink and I only ever wear dresses for special occasions. No exception. I'm trying to expand my horizons...

We did some damage in Penney's

Even though I made a promise to myself to only get clothes as I have enough make up, somehow, I ended up at Boots. I get too excited in Boots. My friends like make up but they are no way as obsessed as me. So, naturally, they made fun of me the whole time we were there. They found it hilarious that I just knew my way around and I kept picking up stuff I wanted. My friends then went on to tell me "You do realise you have no money left, right?" I don't want you to think they said it in a bitchy way. They didn't. They said it as if they were talking to a young child or a mental patient of some sort. Which in some ways is worse. That's when I took out my Boots advantage card (I was prepared for situations like this). I ended up buying a Barry M nail varnish that I fell in love with. 

The view from our booth in McDonald's

After browsing the shops for a bit, we went to McDonald's and collapsed in a booth upstairs . We spent our last few coins on lunch (don't worry we had return bus tickets!) and stayed there for about half an hour before we left for the bus station. It was only half one at this point, even though we planned to stay till four (see what I mean about being realistic!). Our bus wasn't till two but it was good we left early as we got lost! We reached the bus just in time (after nearly missing our second bus of the day..) and this time, we had an adorable and jolly old man as our driver. I don't think I could of handled  the moody twenty year old again.

Weird pic taken that night ..

We then had a sleepover at my friends house and watched YouTube videos for the night, while modelling the stuff we bought. If your looking for a video that will have you in stitches, watch Brendon Uries Vines online. He is the lead singer of the band "Panic at the Disco" and he is just hilarious!We also opened a bottle of schloer champagne at Midnight (basically schloer that was sold in a champagne bottle.) Tasted like paint stripper but we still got enjoyment from opening the bottle!

Our non-alcoholic champagne..

Sorry if this blog post is a little random and long but I thought you'd get enjoyment from hearing about my stressful yet fun New Years Eve experience. It was chaotic but great craic! I like doing these sort of  life posts and may do more in the future. Also, I might do a blog post about the stuff I got. If you'd like to hear about that, please leave a comment below. Hope you enjoyed. Bye! x


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